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Whether you’re a CEO, an employee, a stay-at-home mom, a student, or an activist, this masterclass is for you. Come and be a part of the Her-conomy program and let’s pave the way for future generations of women. Register today to be a part of the Spring 2023 cohort.

What to Expect from the Digital Literacy  Program

Are you looking to enhance your leadership skills? Do you want to know how to lead successfully in tough times? This program is designed with the resources and support necessary to help you be an efficient leader.

Week 1 – Website Design and Development

  • Learn the fundamentals of coding and create beautiful interactive websites from scratch using the framework of your choice

  • Teach others coding and use your skills to help them get a job in the real world

  • Become an expert using HTML, CSS, WordPress, Bootstrap, PHP, AJAX, jQuery, and So Much More!

  • Complete a multiple framework project with us and continue to learn and grow as a developer, long after the course concludes

Week 2 – Software Development

  • Basic introduction to programming with Microsoft .Net and C#

  • Insight into how to think like a developer by understanding a broad range of topics around software development

  • Develop a plan to convert your learning and practice into a real job in the software dev. industry

  • Introduction to the Software Development Master Class For Absolute Beginners program, of which this is part 1