We are now accepting applications for the third edition of CIA’s annual Youth Entrepreneurship Mentorship Program (YEMP) June 30- August 25th 2023.

Are you’re a youth with an entrepreneurial spirit and a desire to develop your skills, then this is the perfect opportunity for you! Join us this summer for an exciting youth entrepreneurship program that will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed in the world of business.

YEMP is a 12-weeklong empowerment program for youths and budding entrepreneurs between the ages of 15 – 35 years old who are interested in starting a business or learning the basics of entrepreneurship.

During the program, you’ll learn from experienced entrepreneurs, participate in hands-on activities, and work on your own business ideas. You’ll also have the opportunity to connect with other like-minded young people and build a network that will support you on your entrepreneurial journey.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to gain valuable skills, develop your ideas, and set yourself up for success.

At completion, participants would have the opportunity to pitch their business plan and win prizes up to $50,000. They will be paired with mentors in their field for guidance, to move forward in their business or career, develop valuable networks and form business alliances in the community.

Register to participate in this cohort. REGISTER NOW.